Saturday, September 5, 2009

39 weeks, 5 days.... Plus 5 days: Baby is Here!

I'm sorry to have been so remiss! Baby arrived Tuesday morning at 6:47 a.m. following a lightning-fast labor (~7 hours) that started with my water breaking at 11:36 p.m. on Monday night. Against all expectations baby was a BOY whom we have named Glenn, and whose feeding and care are the reasons that my blogs have been ignored! I have about a 5-page birth story manuscript brewing in my head (I have so much to write about!!), so it'll probably be a while before I get that published - hopefully sometime next week before DH goes back to work. Anyhow, I just wanted to get that announcement out - I'll write more later, hopefully! Love to all!


  1. Don't you apologize!!!!!! You spend time with that baby and don't worry about us. We'll be here waiting. *wink*

    I cannot wait to hear about the birth. I know some women post theirs in spurts, with Part 1, Part 2, etc. due to not having long periods of time to type.

  2. A belated congratulations! And looking forward to the birth story.


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