Saturday, March 7, 2009

Upcoming Arizona Birth Events!!

Here are some upcoming birth events in the Phoenix Valley Birth Community!

Global Midwifery Client Reunion Picnic
I'm writing somewhat guiltily, as this event started (ahem!) five minutes ago. Yes, I know - no one reading this will have time to plan on it anyhow! But think about it for next year! This is a great time for Global Midwifery's clients, current and former, to gather, meet other homebirth parents, say hi to our wonderful midwives and student midwives, and have a picnic/playdate/hangout time. 10a-2p at Sirrene Park in Chandler. I'll be there in half an hour!

Infant Loss Memorial Service
This is being put on at Chandler Bible Church in Chandler (480-786-3124) by a friend of mine, Jennifer, who lost twins in a miscarriage this past fall. The service is being held to honor and remember all infants lost before birth due to any cause - miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic, abortion, etc. Check out her website here! Attending or not, you can still have your child's name and/or due date and/or conception/loss dates included in the bulletin.

Michel Odent is Visiting Phoenix!
Yes, really! This is the pioneer of waterbirth in France and an amazing author, speaker and obstetrician who stands up unashamedly for natural birth and safe birthing practices. He will be speaking at St. Joseph's hospital on April 29th. Here's the information:

"Yes, he is speaking at St. Joes at two different times on April 29, 7am and 3pm. The topics are: "The Role of Catecholamines During Labor" and Childbirth: From Physiology to Practice". For information contact: Alyce-Anne Meadows, 602-506-6347 Alyce-AnneMeadows@ mail.maricopa. gov. RSVP Margaret Lopez 602-506-6180, margaretlopez@ mail.maricopa. gov"

I probably won't be able to go due to babysitting issues, but I hope that lots of people can make it!

Cheers! I'm off to the picnic!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for posting this info. I've been looking for the info on Michel Odent - so glad to find this.



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